Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ooh La La, La Perle

I've found my place in life. My calling, if you will. The answer to my starving artist problems.

I just started my new job at {intimacy}, a high-end lingerie boutique. Bras are over $200 easily, but I feel like I can stay at this company for the rest of my working life. The owner has been on the Oprah Winfrey show five times, and I had dinner with her. I had dinner with her. How nuts does that sound?? Not to mention, I get a 20. I mean seriously. Life just got a little but easier.

Speaking of easier, I'm here to do one thing, I created this blog for one main focus: dealing with my illogical ways of losing weight, obsessive calorie counting, weighing in every single morning. I have found my ana mojo again, and can I just say she is here in full swing. In less than one week, I've lost about three pounds, solely for the fact that all I do, literally, is sleep, go to school, go to work, repeat. I may eat something here or there so I don't completely crash, but I'm eating Lean Cuisines, >400 a pop. I love this job, I love this job, I love this job. Three more pounds and I'll be at 115. Three more after that and I'll be at 112, then 109, then 106...let's see how far I can take it this time. Ana, I welcome you and accept your challenges.

Oh, we also rescued a kitty. Mew mew!


  1. This new job sounds awesome, do you get discounts??
    Lean Cuisine is meant to be good, I've never had it but maybe i should try it. You sound so happy and positive; it's infectious.
    Good luck girly.
    Love Anafly

  2. Hello girls I have returned to blogger after trying to lose weight the healthy way and developing a better mental health I gave up I threw it all away to become "Delicate!!" Threw all my hard work away so I could eat from one extreme to another, to get to my goals quicker!! As many of us do we give up and think it will be easier and quicker to try a stupid diet which you only end up binging and back to square one!!

    I am ashamed of my choices and want to continue down my path of being healthy!! I can not believe I nearly threw it all away!! I have decided to give it my all 100% and nothing less!! I will reach my GOALS but in a HEALTHY way!!

    I too want to look great in a Bikini, in that Little Party Dress, in those CK Jeans but I want to ROCK them without feeling GUILTY, without LYING to all those around me and to not be KILLING MYSELF in the process!! I want to look HOT in ULTIMATE HEALTH and HAPPINESS, I want to have AWESOME SELF ESTEEM and I want to ROCK CONFIDENCE!! I want to earn the JOY of achieving HEALTH - HAPPINESS - SELF ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE the right way not the wrong way!! I want this more than anything in LIFE and I am going to get it !! It is now or never, there is no looking back!! Please support me and I will return the favor!! I choose to follow girls with distorted eating as I feel they understand what I am going through compared to "normal eating" girls they just think I am crazy!!

    I am putting this every where because I know I will influence at least one person out in this great big world to never give up and to keep trying!!
